Thinking of you as this year closes
Remembering sweet moments of the past
Blessed that I find you, in some of those...
And look forward to making new memories...
Blessed that I will find you, in some of those.
Pamela Reinhardt
On this chilly evening, as this year ends, where are your thoughts?
This particular New Year's eve, my thoughts travel back in time to when my aunt would take her Kodak Brown Box, painstakenly reload film (think there were only 12 pictures to a roll...) and snap picture after picture of family members. On occassion, our head, body and feet would be all in one picture! What fun we had looking at those pictures the next week, month and later, the years guessing who's partial picture we were looking at.
At this time in my life, when I want to have a glimpse at a special friend or family member I go to my photo albums and bring the memories of their love and laughter back. So grateful for moments, memories and the one who took the time to snap a picture.
Are you ready to make the best memories of 2014?
What are your favorite memories?
How will you create those elusive moments this year?
I would love to have you sit a spell and share those
thoughts with me over a cup of tea.

A good snapshot keeps a
from running away.

The best thing about
is making them

"We didn't realize we were making
we just knew we were having fun."
Wishing you and yours health and happiness in 2014!
I am looking forward to sharing more time with you this year. Let's have fun, creating memories.