Twice Baked Apple Crisp With a Cup of Tea

I t was a splendid autumn day. The air was crisp like the apples we were about to pick and the sun that had ripened them felt warm while the strong wind blew heartily. We were protected in the shelter of the rows of trees in the apple orchard. We were together, each with his own basket to fill with our choice of apples.
L ater in the kitchen with mountains of apples, each of us took his or her station and the fun began. The apples were peeled, sliced, and gathered into several bowls waiting for their deployment into either pie crusts or casseroles. The appropriate toppings were set aside. By the time the last core was tossed there were 3 apple pies and 4 apple crisps and some very hungry workers. The rest of the meal was completed as our “just desserts” were baking.
I t was a great feast. The turkey was proclaimed to be the best of my accomplishments to date,(thanks to Martha’s recipe) potatoes fluffy and buttery and the desserts grand! As we reclined, our appetites satisfied and us feeling satisfied with ourselves, I could smell something burning. When I entered the kitchen what did I find but an unattended apple crisp with a rather charcoal-ly extra crisp topping. Such horror and disappointment!
W ell, I just could not throw out all our hard work!! I popped it all in the fridge and wondered what to do. The next day, I knew what had to be done! Gingerly, I dissected the black topping from the still juicy apples. Then I mixed up a new batch of topping, spread it evenly onto parchment paper and baked it for 10 -12 minutes at 350 F and before it cooled placed it on top of the already baked apples that had come to room temperature.. Then I slowly re-warmed the apple crisp. Twice Baked Apple Crisp!! Yummy the second time around! Just add a cup of tea and some ice cream.
L ife can be a little like that don’t you think? Burnt toppings of our human frailties can be redeemed by God’s grace and change our lives back into something sweet.
2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
T ip:
My best pastry recipe: A trip to the Mennonite market an hour away from our house and buy their fresh pastry shells, store in the freezer until I want to spoil my loved ones. Perfect pie crust every time!