T he wind is mischievously blowing the fluffy flakes of snow about this afternoon. Hither and yon like a game of tag they float gently almost settling on the ground only to be swept up by a jovial gust of wind to touch the top of a tree. Up and down, around and around they go to eventually settle with their friends who have been sidelined on the ground.

This playfulness reminds me of the child-like awe that I sometimes struggle to bring to this season of joy. You may have some memories in the distant past that some how take on a new sting, or be missing a loved, this time of year, too. Then now would be a good time to sit with a cuppa of your favorite tea, hot chocolate or latte and share the memories and the truths that you know in your heart and pause to savour them, nuture them lovingly like a child, so they will grow and heal that corner of your heart.
Please feel welcome to join the party at silkenpurse.blogspot.com for "Wednesday Tea for Me and Thee," and bring a friend. The more the joy!!
Luke 2:10 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.