On this dreary grey day, it is wonderful to have someone come to my blog door and sit awhile with me and share a cup of tea. Please feel free to invite others to join me and my friend, Silken Purse, Wednesday Tea for You and Me, at
As I have dropped in on a number of blogging friends I have been relieved to see the
trend has been toward “No New Year’s Resolutions”. I have chosen not to make
resolutions the last few years, simply because doing so has not proven to be effective for
me. High expectations, black and white thinking and the agony of defeat seem counter

That is not to say that I have given up on those few extra pounds I need to shed, eat in healthier ways, try a stint as a volunteer somewhere, organize my desk, my life or the other umpteen things on my list. I find for myself, that lists are the key for me to stay on track. One item on my list was to add the promised pictures from a few blogs ago: my aunt’s vintage suitcases with stationary and accoutrements and how I have pressed my orphaned creamer and sugar bowl into service. Every checked off item, regardless of importance, is a step forward.
My attitude and my gratitude towards each day will propel me forward, to accept the gift of the present with the lessons of the past in my head and faith of the unknown future in my heart, to keep trying. It’s a choice, I make.
If I am to offer acceptance, humility and grace to others, shouldn’t I be practicing this
philosophy on my own misadventures, trials and tribulations? Sometimes it is my heart
that needs to softened and accepting of my short comings, so that I treat my family,
friends, and those who may not be my friends, yet, with the same loving consideration.
With God’s grace this is possible.
With God’s grace this is possible.
"Tomorrow I will be better than I am today, as a person, …. That's the beauty of tomorrow. There's no such thing as a setback." Tiger Woods, 2008
“The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.”Psalms 103:8