Welcome to...
44th Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

In youth we learn: in age we understand.
Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
Jamie Lee Curtis
“Is there really a human race?
Is it going on now all over the place?
When did it start?
Who said, “Ready, Set, Go”?
Did it start on my birthday?
I really must know.
Do I warm up and stretch?
Do I practice and train?
Do I get my own coach?
Do I get my own lane?
Do I race in the snow?
Do I race in a twister?
Am I racing my friends?
Am I racing my sister?
If the race is a relay, is Dad on my team:
And his dad and his dad? You know what I mean.
Is the race like a loop or an obstacle course?
Am I a jockey, or am I a horse?
Is there pushing and shoving to get to the lead?
If the race is unfair, will I succeed?
Do some of us win? Do some of us lose?
Is winning or losing something I choose?
Why am I racing? What am I winning?
Does all of my racing keep the world spinning?
If I get off track when I take the wrong turn,
Do I make my way back from mistakes? Do I learn?
Is it a sprint? A dash to the end?
Am I aware of the time that I spend?
And why do I do it, this zillion yard dash?
If we don’t help each other we’re all going to CRASH.”
“Sometimes it’s better not to go fast.
There are beautiful sights to be seen when you’re last.
Shouldn’t it be that you just try your best?
And that’s more important than beating the rest?
Shouldn’t it be looking back at the end
that you judge your own race by the help that you lend?
So, take what’s inside you and make big, bold choices,
And for those who can’t speak for themselves,
use bold voices.
And make friends and love well,
bring art to this place
And make the world better
for the whole human race.”
I welcome all of you to tea. I hope your week has been as exciting as mine! I have had tea party every day and better yet it was with my daughter. Kristina has been home for reading week and we have kept the kettle busy into the wee hours of the night. So many things to chat about. Amazing to hear all the things she has learnt on this journy. I find it so amazing to watch my little girl maturing into a fine young woman. Back to university tomorrow and the tender care of my dear friend Wanda for a few more weeks.
So I apologize for not making the rounds and to chat you this week, we needed to catch up on two months of tea. I am always grateful for your visits and your comments.
So I apologize for not making the rounds and to chat you this week, we needed to catch up on two months of tea. I am always grateful for your visits and your comments.
A Mother and Daughter Tea
The makings of a great occasion
Mother and daughter teacups
A thrifty purchase
Feathers, vintage lace, pearls and china, of course.
A birthday gift from my son and daughter-in-love
Pretty lace
A birthday gift from my Aunt Ruby
many, many years ago.
Cream or sugar??
My butterfly is flourishing
Fluttering to take flight
Direct your children onto the right path,
and when they are older, they will not leave it.
Proverbs 22:6 (New Living Translation)
~ I encourage you to stop by and savour another cup of tea while you enjoy their pretty vignettes.
The more the fun!
We don't want to miss a single teacup or teapot!
As always, we cherish your comments and participation
with our Tuesday meme.
~You will be warmly welcomed if you choose to become a follower!~
Welcome to, Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland!
These are the links to the other oh-so-delightful tea parties and tabletop parties that I attend.
I invite you to drop in. ~ Many thanks to those who faithfully host each week.
~ Hope to see you there!!
( Our own memes are marked with an asterisk * ):
*~The 72nd, 'Tuesday Tea For Two'
~ Tuesday Teatime with Lady Katherine
~ Teatime Tuesday with Sandi
~ Teacup Tuesday with Martha
~ Teacup Tuesday with Terri
~ Tabletop Tuesday with Marti
~ A Return to Loveliness with Kathy
*~ The 44th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday', with Wanda Lee and Pam @
Other favorite places I may visit this week:
~Tablescape Thursday with Susan
~ Foodie Friday with Michael
~Show and Tell Friday with Cindy
~Sunday Favorites with Chari
Cheers and hugs from Pam and Wanda Lee; ( Wanda Lee is the other half of our weekly blog tea party meme; 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday'.., @ http://silkenpurse.blogspot.com