
Lady Pamela's Tea Parlor

Saturday, May 22, 2010



"Sometimes the tears we hold inside simply need to be cried out.
To release them is a gift to ourselves. I hope you love yourself enough to cry."
                                        This quote is from my friend Kelita.

April showers do bring May flowers. The grey damp days of spring are not always welcome. Yet the freshness of the air after a rain is sweet with the fragrance of new life. There are times in our lives when we are living in a place where the stormy clouds foreshadow the torrents of raindrops to come. Lest we think it weak to cry we should think of tears as spring showers washing away the emotional snow and grime of winter, bringing the promise of new beginnings in our life.

Psalm 56: 8 & 9

You keep track of all my sorrows.[a]
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.
9 My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help.
This I know: God is on my side!

I am linking to Tracey's, Words of Wisdom at Notes from A Cottage Industry. Also to Spiritual Sundays. Thank you Tracey, Charlotte and Ginger for hostessing.

Kelita: Award winner singer/song writer
Songs of inspiration, healing and hope

KELITA embodies inspirational entertainment! Her original heartfelt songs, hilarious character comedy and inspirational speaking, will take you on an emotional rollercoaster. From laughter to tears, from inspiration to empowerment Kelita is a unique communicator who definitely relates to women. If you think you’re on this journey alone Kelita will let you know you are not. At times you’ll be thinking she’s read your diary or the inner most recesses of your broken heart. Kelita has the wonderful gift to put into a 4 minute song what you have been feeling your whole life but have never been able to express. Music as therapy, deep emotional healing, spiritual connection - and you thought this was just another singer? Kelita’s sensitive down to earth and compassionate heart will lift you up to a place where you’re ready to be challenged to face the truth in your own life and let the healing begin. With a life that reads like a soap opera Kelita has been able to take her mess and turn it into an incredible life changing message.


I am looking forward to this weekend.  How about you? Do you have any plans? In Canada, this is a long weekend.  As Canadians, we tend to be pre-occupied with the weather, but even more so when it is a 3 day weekend.

I am like the average, listening to the weather report and attempting to plan outings, picnics and gardening according to the weather.  Does it work?  Only if one is flexible... which of course goes contrary to the concept of planning.  With time I have developed a theory: If it doesn't snow, its been a good weekend. If it rains only one day, its been a great weekend. Two days of sun and I don't have to wear 2 layers of clothes, it was a fantastic weekend.  If I have spent time with family and friends it was the best weekend.

We can't rely on the weather to accommodate our plans any more than we can control the events in our lives.  But we can chose our attitude, set our priorities and focus on what is truly important in life.
Rain or shine, have the best weekend! God Bless your week to come.

Wanda and I extend a warm invitation to all, for a new shared meme,
'Teapots and Tea Things Tuesdays"


  1. Oh, I loved this. I have never looked at tears that way before. I will remember this next time they start to fall. Thanks also for mentioning how therapeutic music is. You are blessed to know someone like Kelita.

  2. Hi Pam,
    Hope your weekend has been good so far. Our has been very quiet but good, think we are just so worn out from a week of activity.
    Like what Kelita said to you in your opening statement. I think she is so right, sometimes we really need a good cry and then we feel much better. That is one of my favorite verses to about God bottling up our
    tears, I say, the Lord must have a warehouse full of my bottled up tears, cause he has had a lot to do in my life, cause soap opera might have been a good description of my early life. God has done and continues to do amazing things!! Hope you are doing well my friend,
    have a nice holiday weekend.
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Isn't it wonderful that God cares and stores, our tears in a bottle.
    He also reserves a box with a hole for us to store our hurts... the box remains light as He places our pain onto himself. In return He showers us with blessings.
    "He turns our mourning into dancing, and our sorrow into joy." Psalm 30:11
    Music therapy is magic.
    I also posted on this a couple of months ago.
    God bless you HEAPS!

  4. I've learned He doesn't only keep track of our tears...He gives us the comfort we need. Sometimes I've felt my heart would break...and then I feel His gentleness wrap around me. It amazes me...really amazes me....

  5. These truly are words of wisdom. Thank you for sharing them with us. I love the picture of the rainbow peeking through the clouds and I like your weather prediction. Where I live we can almost certainly always predict sun sun and more sun. I'd like to have a little of your rain and coolness.
    Have a wonderful day.

  6. Kelita must be very very wise. What a wonderful lesson.
    I live in Oklahoma and we worry about the weather here a lot too! BUT it's because we have had horrible weather for the past two weeks. Over 40 tornadoes, hail storms with hail as big as baseballs, and ferocious winds! Hopefully things will settle down for our three day weekend next week! Lori L

  7. What a great way to look at crying! I love it, thank-you.
    OH~ I love your header it is so pretty!

  8. Beautiful scripture and the wisdom shared about our tears...God bless.

  9. Thank you for sharing! Have an awesome week.

  10. Beautiful scripture today and I am so thankful our Lord knows us and keeps us in his care.
    Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Kelita has wisdom beyond most of the rest of us. I absolutely love this!
